Fellow Of Euro Fed Lipid (FEFL) Award

List of All winners


Michel Parmentier
FEFL, Vaudeville, France

For his contributions to research and development, industrial achievement, education, administration and communication and for his leadership in the foundation of Euro Fed Lipid.


Friedrich Spener
FEFL, Graz, Austria

For his contributions to research and education, administration and communication and for his leadership in the foundation of Euro Fed Lipid.


Marc Kellens
FEFL, Zaventem, Belgium

For his contributions to research and development, industrial achievement, administration and communication and for his leadership in the progress of Euro Fed Lipid.


Gerrit van Duijn
Vlaardingen, the Netherlands

For his contributions to research and development, industrial achievement, administration and communication and for his leadership in the progress of Euro Fed Lipid.

Award: Criteria And Procedure

Since the founding of Euro Fed Lipid at the 24th ISF Congress in Berlin in September 2001, membership of the Federation has grown to over 1700. In recognition of this achievement and in safeguarding future growth and development for the Federation, the General Assembly at the 6th Euro Fed Lipid Congress in Athens in September 2008 installed the award of “Fellow of Euro Fed Lipid” whose acronym is “FEFL”

Selection Criteria and Eligibility

Fellows of Euro Fed Lipid are recognised for their personal commitment and unusually important service to the establishment and further expansion of the Euro Fed Lipid federation and/or its national member organisations. Such contributions may include areas as research and development, industrial achievement, leadership, education, administration, communication, or regulatory affairs. Fellows of Euro Fed Lipid are elected for life, their numbers shall not exceed 2 % of the Federation’s membership.

The award is open to all Euro Fed Lipid members who hold at least a 5 years continuous Euro Fed Lipid membership.

Nomination and Procedure

1. Nomination can be made by Euro Fed Lipid members only, self-nomination is excluded.

2. The application for a nomination must include a summary of each nominee’s accomplishments, his/her resume and any document(s) that could give testimony for the nominee’s achievements.

3. The application, addressed to the President of Euro Fed Lipid, should be sent to the Secretariat not later than January 31st, if the successful candidate is to be awarded at the Euro Fed Lipid Congress of the same year.

4. The Council of Management screens the nominations and decides whether or not a nomination will be forwarded to the General Assembly.

5. A candidate is elected “Fellow of Euro Fed Lipid” by simple majority of the votes cast by members in attendance and those represented in the General Assembly.

Presentation and Privilege of the Award

At the congress dinner or at any other appropriate opportunity of the Euro Fed Lipid Congress the President awards the newly elected Fellow with a certificate.
Fellows of Euro Fed Lipid are entitled to add the acronym FEFL at the end of their name. In particular at congresses, symposia, etc of Euro Fed Lipid and its Societies in membership Fellows of Euro Fed.